Follicular Phase Recipes
Energize and refresh with a meal plan designed to support the follicular phase, when estrogen levels begin to rise and energy increases. This plan includes vibrant, nutrient-dense foods like lean proteins, fresh greens, fermented foods, and healthy fats to fuel mental clarity, gut health, and stable blood sugar. Light and refreshing meals help you feel your best as you move into this high-energy phase of your cycle.
Energize and refresh with a meal plan designed to support the follicular phase, when estrogen levels begin to rise and energy increases. This plan includes vibrant, nutrient-dense foods like lean proteins, fresh greens, fermented foods, and healthy fats to fuel mental clarity, gut health, and stable blood sugar. Light and refreshing meals help you feel your best as you move into this high-energy phase of your cycle.
Energize and refresh with a meal plan designed to support the follicular phase, when estrogen levels begin to rise and energy increases. This plan includes vibrant, nutrient-dense foods like lean proteins, fresh greens, fermented foods, and healthy fats to fuel mental clarity, gut health, and stable blood sugar. Light and refreshing meals help you feel your best as you move into this high-energy phase of your cycle.